Can I custom fit Ping Golf Clubs online?

By on November 9, 2020

A frequent question our golf professionals get while speaking to our customers is how can you fully custom fit Ping golf clubs online.

Ping are world renown for their custom fitting and it is now extremely rare to buy a set of ping clubs straight off the rack. Altering club length, lie angle and grip size will cost you no extra, so it is important you check your specification and make sure you get the most out of your clubs. This is where nFlight comes in:- Pings online static fitting system. It will guide you through a simple but thorough process, helping you find clubs and specifications that will allow you to play your best golf!

How does it work?

Before you start you will need to be able to take some simple measurements of height, wrist to floor, hand length and longest finger:- so make sure you get yourself a tape measure ready. It will clearly show you where to measure from so you can be confident with the data you provide. The rest of the fitting system asks you questions about your current and desired ball flight, distances that your hit and specifics relating to if you are fitting for a Driver, Fairway, Irons or Wedges. 

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Your results

After you have completed your fit  you will be given a specification of the best clubs that match your data, along with the technical measurements that will allow you to play your best. If you then would like to discuss anything with one of our PGA Golf Professionals, please give us a call on 01626 830537 and we will be happy to go though your specification with you.

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Click this link to take you to the Ping Webfit Custom Fitting System

About Andrew Probert

I am the Manager of the GolfShopOnline and have worked in the golf retail industry for over 20 years.


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